Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blog Entry #2

For my MMP, I have joined three communities to assist with MMP:  Apple Teacher (through the Apple website:  https://appleteacher.apple.com/auth/#/signin/), Google+ group  Technology and Teacher Education (https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/105015177300978505157) and the Google+ group "Apple":  https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107259666512014228221). 

In the 6 years that I have worked at our school, we have transitioned from paper books and CD players, to interactive, iPad friendly courseware.  We were forced to rethink everything about our teaching platforms, methodologies and communication.  The transition was difficult for our IT professionals, our curriculum developers, our students, and, most notably for our instructors.  Many of our instructors are foreign-born and have had limited exposure to technology.  iPads, PDF software, and learning management systems are not mastered easily by many of our faculty members.

Since the transition, we have developed our curriculum and methodologies around Apple products.  Our instructors are required to use a variety of Apple tools in the classroom, and we expect them to be familiar enough with each tool that they are also able to assist with basic troubleshooting.  After speaking with members of our IT Department and Curriculum Development team, I have noted a training gap and have decided to create training on using Apple iPad AirDrop.  I am hoping that the support team within Apple Teacher, as well as the Google+ communities, can assist me with identifying and answering frequently asked questions and creating a training program which will be informative and applicable to our situation. 

Using the ADDIE model as a guide for my project design, I will walk through the ADDIE steps to create a multi-media training presentation.  By using ADDIE for instructional design, I hope to comprehensively and systematically identify training gaps and produce training that clearly teaches the required skills.

Hodell, Chuck. (2011). Chapter 3: Instructional systems development and the ADDIE model. In ISD From the Ground Up: A No-Nonsense Approach to Instructional Design (3rd ed.). American Society for Training and Development: Alexandria, VA.


  1. Hi Erika,

    I love your idea on using this project to create a training presentation. It's interesting that you are solving a problem with implementing technology by using technology! I actually had trouble understanding the ADDIE model from the reading. However, I learn better by viewing examples of it being used, so I hope to learn about it through your project. I can already see some aspects of the model being applied by reading through your post. You just analyzed the challenge and you are gathering the necessary materials and data in order to find a solution. I'm excited to see how this presentation turns out because you're off to a great start.

  2. Hello Erika,
    The three communities you chose look really interesting, I think I may follow them as well! I understand your difficulty with transitioning, not only with the unfamiliarity of technology but everything else that comes along with it. I worked in a preschool over the summer that just transitioned into using an app to constantly keep in touch with parents. This meant that not only were we full time caring for multiple young children, but were now being asked to constantly update an app on an ipad when ever ANYTHING happened, post pictures, and respond to parent messages. It took a decent amount of time to familiarize ourselves with all the features of the app and how to juggle teaching and supervising child while constantly updating it. Once the transition period passed, we realized how at ease and happy the parents were being in the know and having a strong supportive connection with their children and children's caretakers.

  3. Hi Erika,
    Thank you for sharing! I am interested in seeing how your project develops over the course of this semester. I am very familiar with Apple products and software. You made such a wise decision to join communities that will further develop your understanding of Apple software. I fully support the choices and decisions that you have made so far. Nice job! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need any additional support.
